Meet Terence Lee

Could you introduce yourself in a few lines?

Hello! I work at Heroku and lead the Ruby Task Force. We're in charge of the Ruby experience on the platform. You probably know me from being a Friday Hug evangelist. I've also done work on Bundler, Resque, Rails Girls, and Ruby.

You're giving a talk at Rulu this year. What will you talk about?

Contributing back to Ruby. zzak and I want to get as many people as possible involved with Ruby. This talk goes through some ways you can.

You attended Rulu in 2012. Are you excited to talk at Rulu 2014?

Hell yeah!

What makes you come back to Rulu this year? What did you like about the previous instance?

The conference had of course awesome food but I really enjoyed the format of 1:1 talk to break ratio. It provided ample hallway track time which is my favorite part of any conference.

Three properties:

  • You code with: Vim

  • You test with: RSpec, MiniTest

  • If Ruby was forbidden, you would code in: Clojure

What's your favourite Lyonnaise specialty?

The "Boudin Blanc"

What are you working on these days?

I've been mostly focused on ruby-core. I'm working on transparency and trust in the broader ruby community. For instance, I've been helping out with the recent ruby security announcements as well as summarizing Ruby Core developer meetings like this one.

What are the talks, books, libraries or commands you think more people should be aware of - because, well, they make your life so much better!

If you're interested in concurrency, Java Concurrency in Practice is a great resource on this matter. tenderlove had me read this when I was working on resque.

Anything to add before we wrap this up?

May the ruby be with you.

Ruby Lugdunum (aka RuLu) is a two-day conference dedicated to exploring the Ruby language and basking in warmth of the amazing Ruby community.

RuLu 2014 takes place in Lyon, France on June 19th and 20th. Have a look at the talks, read the blog and get your ticket!