Joshua Ballanco
What's Eating Ruby?
Will you be writing Ruby 10 years from now? 20 years? Recently Ruby has been described as “maturing” or even “dying”, but why? Sure, many up-and-coming languages are better than Ruby at some things, but can any of them really replace Ruby for all things? Indeed, why shouldn’t Ruby stick around? We’ll take a broad look at how Ruby has influenced the development of new languages, and whether or not Ruby can remain relevant in the face of increasing competition.
About Joshua
Joshua has worked with Objective-C since 2002 and Ruby since 2004. He has built operating systems with Apple, local news websites with AOL, and somehow managed to finish a Ph.D. along the way. Currently, Joshua is Chief Scientist at Burnside Digital where he works with an amazing team of engineers and designers to solve problems for a wide range of clients. He works and lives in Ankara.
Last year, Joshua gave a great talk on Ruby implementations. Welcome back, Josh!