Meet Paolo Perrotta

Could you introduce yourself in a few lines?

I'm a guy who wrote a lot of software in his life, and I like to talk about it. When it comes to Ruby, the most noticeable thing I did was writing the Metaprogramming Ruby book.

You're giving a talk at Rulu this year. What will you talk about?

I'll talk about complexity theory. It sounds quite abstract, and maybe a bit scary - but it's neither. You might find it fun.

Three properties:

  • You code with: TextMate

  • You test with: Cucumber, RSpec, MiniTest, JUnit

  • If Ruby was forbidden, you would code in: Python

What are you working on these days?

Sending the second edition of Metaprogramming Ruby to the printers. Aaaaalmost thereā€¦

What are the talks, books, libraries or commands you think more people should be aware of - because, well, they make your life so much better!

So many. I'm all for classics, so I think that any Project Manager who never read "The Mythical Man-Month" should be taken to the backyard and put out of his/her misery. Seriously, it's a book from 30 years ago, and people could still learn basic project management from it.

Anything to add before we wrap this up?

Nope. See you in Lyon!

Ruby Lugdunum (aka RuLu) is a two-day conference dedicated to exploring the Ruby language and basking in warmth of the amazing Ruby community.

RuLu 2014 takes place in Lyon, France on June 19th and 20th. Have a look at the talks, read the blog and get your ticket!